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What is the Lifespan of a Person with Scleroderma?

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Scleroderma Treatment Center in Los Cabos, MX

Approximately 1 in 10,000 individuals are affected by scleroderma across the globe, and 300,000 Americans suffer from this condition. If you have symptoms of scleroderma or you have been diagnosed with this skin disorder, you should seek medical attention.

Though scleroderma typically affects the skin, and literally means ‘hard skin’, it can extend to other parts of your body and may have a significant negative impact on your lifespan.

What is Scleroderma?

Scleroderma includes a certain group of skin diseases that lead you to experience hardening of the skin and tightening of your connective tissue.

You need collagen in your skin to maintain elasticity and smooth texture. However, when your body starts producing collagen in excess and this collagen accumulates in your body, scleroderma results. This abnormal production of collagen may be caused by genetics, environmental triggers, or an abnormality in your immune system.

This disease is more common as you grow older and will usually make its appearance when you are between 30-50 years old. Women are also more susceptible to the disease than men.

What is the Scleroderma Life Expectancy?

The most common form of scleroderma—systemic sclerosis—entails the patient will have a relatively normal life expectancy. This scleroderma has a 10-year survival estimate of approximately 90%. This means that 90% of the patients with this disease will still be alive in the next 10 years after the diagnosis.

However, every case is different and the patient’s life expectancy will vary based on how severe their symptoms are and how much damage their organs have suffered. The type of scleroderma you have will be categorized based on the severity of skin thickening and the damage to your lungs, heart, and other vital body systems.

Scleroderma Symptoms

Your symptoms will vary based on the type of scleroderma you have, but there are a few vital signs you should look out for that may indicate you have the disease.

You may be suffering from scleroderma if you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Hardening and tightened patches of skin
  • Raynaud’s disease
  • Heartburn
  • Cramps and bloating
  • Complications with other organs such as your heart and lungs

Scleroderma Start

Where Does Scleroderma Usually Start?

For some people, scleroderma will only affect the skin, but for others, it goes a lot deeper than that. Scleroderma can damage your blood vessels, digestive tract, and internal organs, especially when it is left untreated.

Why is Scleroderma so Painful?

Scleroderma can be very painful. The pain from this disease is often caused by the underlying Raynauld’s disease the patient has or it may just be joint, nerve, and muscle pain due to retaining fluids and arthritis.

Why Does Scleroderma Cause GERD?

Scleroderma can affect different parts of your body, including your esophagus. Many patients who have scleroderma have a weak lower esophageal sphincter, and this significantly increases their chances of developing gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

How to Treat Scleroderma?

Once your doctor diagnoses you from a physical exam and blood tests, they will likely prescribe you specific medication or recommend surgeries to help you recover.

However, if you’re suffering from scleroderma, you don’t have to turn to heavy medications to relieve your symptoms. A recent exciting clinical trial finding funded by the National Institutes of Health revealed that stem cell therapy can improve the survival rate and quality of life for those with severe scleroderma.

So instead of resorting to expensive and uncertain conventional medical procedures, you can always opt to seek scleroderma treatment through regenerative therapy. Regenerative therapy can help you overcome your sickness through the healing properties of stem cells. These cells will enter your body and through improving the cell signaling process, they will help enhance your body’s natural healing process so you can start healing properly.

At Stemaid institute, we offer viable solutions to help you overcome your symptoms so you can get your skin back and return to good health. Contact us today for more information on our effective scleroderma treatments.

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